I have a part in my app where an user has to search for a title to find it. If I write “Flowers Mansion” it will retrieve the result but not if I write “flowers mansion”. How can I implement this in streamlit … Any suggestion?
Hi @moonie_lovie, welcome to the Streamlit community!
This is a general programming pattern not necessarily related to Streamlit. When taking free-form text from the user, the program usually normalizes the text in some way:
user_text = st.text_input(...)
if user_text.lower() == 'flowers mansion':
elif user_text.lower() == 'something else':
In the above example, it won’t matter if the user writes Flowers Mansion
, Flowers mansion
, FLOWers MaNSion
or any other combination of casing. Your comparison will only be against the lowercase version of the string.
Of course, in a situation where you know the input values, then you could also use a drop-down widget instead of having the user type in freeform text.