Displaying geotiff files in streamlit app from snowflake stage

So basically i am new to streamlit and snowflake and experimenting for weeks now. I have created an app which is connected to snowflake through snowflake-connector for python, In this app user uploads a geotiff file and at the back i am loading it to a STAGE in my snowflake DB.
Now there is a page which is suppose to display tiff images. My question is how we can load them from our stage and display them on app page. Is there any way to do so…
PK_MSR.tif.gz this is the format of file after loading it to my snowflake STAGE.

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Hi @Zaiba_Iqbal,

Thanks for sharing this question!

One way to do it could be to download the file from Snowflake using the connector you’ve implemented already, decompress the .gz file, then display the TIFF file on the page in your app.

Feel free to share any boilerplate code you have.