Error logging into Streamlit

Whenever I try to log into streamlit I receive the following error. I have emailed, but no reply yet. Any suggestions?
Screenshot 2023-10-04 121027


This isnโ€™t supposed to happen.
Please contact support.

Error: Unknown error Code: 403

Can you please open a support ticket via this link?


Hi Charly,

Thanks. When I try to open a case, I receive the following message:

User Validation - Enhanced

An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow
An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information.

Please advise,

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Thanks @Rookiedev

Did you follow the instructions and select โ€œI am a Streamlit Cloud user,โ€ as indicated?


Yes, that is what I did.

Hi @Rookiedev

Apologies for the slight delay in answering.

Iโ€™m ccing my colleague @Caroline, as she may be able to shed some light on the issue or know another way of reaching out.

Best wishes,

@Rookiedev ,

Could you please share your email address via private chat with me? I will check in your system whether your email validation is completed in our support system.



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Thanks, Yilin!

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