Getting Huh error message on

The full error message reads


This isn’t supposed to happen.
Please contact support.

Welcome to the community.
Please share a link to your public github repo.

The project I am trying to deploy is :

Getting the same message:


This isn’t supposed to happen.
Please contact support.

No way to access or see apps or anything,

Mine started working again today.
So, maybe wait for 1 day and it will get resolved.

Is this happening when you log in or when you try to deploy an app?

After login is done.
In place of deploy new app that error message was shown

The most likely cause is that you’re logging in with a GitHub username which is associated with an email address other than the one you’re using to log in – feel free to reach out to and we can dig in more

I was using my usual credentials and until yesterday everything was fine. It suddenly stopped working yesterday night

same thing here. this happens when logging, don´t have the chance to see my profile, or delete account or share app.
i am using the same account for github and streamlit

Hi folks!
I have the same issue. Is there a general solution?

I see an app in the Gallery is down (though not all) and another post mentioning an issue with the Streamlit Cloud service. Try rebooting your app. If this app worked previously on Streamlit Cloud without any changes and if the reboot doesn’t work, it is likely either an issue with Streamlit Cloud, or some issue with an upgrade.

In the later case, you could try to run your app locally with Streamlit 1.18.0 which was just released to confirm any compatibility issues if you don’t have Streamlit pinned to an earlier version in your requirements. (You can check if any of your dependencies had a major upgrade, too.) Otherwise, I’d try rebooting again tomorrow to avoid running in circles around an issue that may be outside of your control.

If this is a new deployment, please share more information about your environment and code. (Link to GitHub, for example.)

Hi Debbie,

it is not a single app that shows the error, but my streamlit dashboard after I deleted the one and only app that I had deployed a few minutes before. There is nothing I could reboot. It looks like my streamlit account has the issue. I would be fine if you would just delete it so I can start from scratch again.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Andreas Christiani

Andreas Christiani Digital Consultancy GmbH

Wipfelweg 9a | 44265 Dortmund

Tel.: +491735371927 |

Hi @acdcslvrbck,

Just replied to your support email – the error you’re seeing is a result of logging in with the wrong credentials (see my email for more details).

A note for people reading this thread in the future: this error generally occurs if you’re logging in with an email address different from the email address that you’ve used in the past to log in with your GitHub username. If you reach out to support, we can let you know what email address you should be using.


Hey @Rick-Pr,

Please open a support ticket for this issue by following the process outlined here.

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