I can't deploy correctly my multipage APP

good evening
I have some problem to deploy a multipage APP.
Locally I can see in the sidebar the other pages I can click on, but when I deploy the app the sidebar appears to me but without the other pages. In the github repository I have inserted a PY file and a folder containing the other pages.
How can i solve this problem?


Hi giovanni231995,

Thanks for sharing your question with the community!

Could you share your repository for us to troubleshoot?

In the meantime, this blog covers how to build and deploy multi-page apps.

The structure of your code directory should look something like this;
Screen Shot 2022-11-23 at 11.06.29 AM

For your reference, please check out our guidelines on how to post an effective question here.

Happy Streamlit-ing :balloon:


Hello, thank you for the response.

Above the link of my repository.

as I said locally I can see the pages in the sidebar, but after the deployment I can’t see them anymore

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Hi @giovanni231995,

Thanks for sharing your repo!

I have deployed the app here and it works as expected.

I changed the Pages directory to pages; lowercase p. Not sure if that was the issue.

I submitted a PR to your repo with the changes.

Please let me know if you still have any questions.

Happy Streamlit-ing :balloon:


thank you so much

So in the future for the multipage app i will nominate the folders with the lowercap?

Best Regards

This comunity is great


Hi @giovanni231995,

Glad it’s working now.

I would advise so but need to do more research on my part on the matter.

Happy Streamlit-ing :balloon:


@tonykip @giovanni231995 I had experienced the exact same issue :+1: Changing the Pages folder to pages lowercase made the trick :wink:

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Awesome! Glad it worked!

Its working after changing to small p in Pages folder name!