Navigate PISA 2022 Like Never Before: Our Streamlit App Reveals All!

:bar_chart: Welcome to the Streamlit Web App for PISA 2022! :globe_with_meridians:

This application is powered by the amazing elements and libraries of Streamlit. It’s meticulously designed to inspire users of all levels, catering not only to beginners but also to experienced coders, with innovative ideas. :bulb:

Explore the interactive and user-friendly interface for visualizing the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022.

Check it out and let the exploration begin! :rocket:
:point_right: Streamlit web application :balloon: :dizzy:

Features :bulb:

Explore the power of our platform with these key features:

  • Global Rankings :earth_africa::trophy: - Gain a worldwide perspective on performance.
  • Regional Insights :globe_with_meridians::mag: - Dive deep into localized trends and data.
  • Trends Analysis :bar_chart::mag: - Uncover valuable insights through comprehensive trend analysis.
    … and much more. :bulb::sparkles:

:point_right: Code of project:

:point_right: Youtube video:

:point_right: Tiktok video:


Hey everyone,

Just wanted to take a quick moment to express my gratitude for all the love and likes on my recent post! :pray: Your support means the world to me and motivates me to keep sharing content you enjoy.


Amazing… :pray:


I should learn from you, your design gives me new ideas!

Of course, the balloon rises a bit frequently, so I suggest you hide it.


Hi @lkdd-ao,

Thank you for your positive feedback! I’ve made the adjustments to the code as per your suggestion. The balloon animation now rises less frequently.

If you have any further questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss, feel free to let me know.


Wow, thank you for your kind words! :slightly_smiling_face: If you have any questions or if there’s anything specific you’d like to explore further, feel free to drop a comment below. I’m here to help!


The interface is simply beautiful, congratulations! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you @fancy



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Awesome web app :ok_hand:

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Cute :sparkles:

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why are all your likes from new accounts with 0 activity on them?

My full support for the publication of the challenge. :+1:

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Hi @error_error. Thanks for posting!

I shared the link to my post on my main social
media platforms. Additionally, there are people using Streamlit who don’t have an account, and if it’s about supporting someone, just creating a reason is enough, even if they won’t have activity on the website.

If you wish to participate in the challenge, you can read the instructions at the following link:

Happy Streamlit-ing! :balloon:

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