Streamlit Has Launched!

It’s October 1st and it’s official, we just launched our open-source tool :rocket:! We couldn’t have done any of this without your support through beta, and we sincerely appreciate all the bugs, requests, and ideas you’ve given us.

Here is the link to our Tech Crunch article as well

Thank you again for all of your support and we’re looking forward to many years of working together!

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Congrats. This product is so brilliant. And not just for data science and ML.

You’ve lowered the friction of working in Python or creating apps in so many ways. Its a Columbus Egg, an iPhone and a game changer.

  • using your product is an easy way of teaching my kids python
  • there is no longer a need for python in excel. This so much a better Work flow. Also for Excel users.
  • bi vil tools like tableau and power bi will be challenged
  • the product will also be used for a lot of traditional model driven web apps as it’s such an easy work flow. Modern web apps have such a heavy toolset and workflow.
  • there will a flood wave of open source components coming.
  • micro apps will flood the world
  • Someone will also provide an easy one-click deployment option for non-teams and non-enterprises. Will this be you, the cloud providers or the open source community?


… and someone will write that vs code extension that deploys your streamlit one file Python app to the cloud with one click on a button.

Oh wow, such a heart-warming post! Thank you for the kind words :pray:

someone will write that vs code extension that deploys your streamlit one file Python app to the cloud with one click on a button.

We hope that someone will be us! We’re hard at work on this right this moment. We want to make deploying apps as easy and magical as we think the Streamlit library is today — so it will take a few months to get to that sweet spot when we’re ready share “Streamlit For Teams” with everyone. Stay tuned!

using your product is an easy way of teaching my kids python

By “my kids” do you mean your own kids or are you a teacher? I’d love to hear more about this use case. Sounds like a great use for Streamlit!

It’s my own kids. Just showed it to my 16 year old and he will definetely be using it for the math and natural sciences classes. My 14 and 10 year olds would be able to use it as well.

But you have just revolutionized

Document writing (Interactive Documents with magic markdown),

Spreadsheets (This is so easy and powerful that it could cause a shift. Someone will create a wrapper to create the bridge. No need for Python replacing vba in Excel),

BI Visualization (Power BI, Tableau)

Jupyter Notebook and especially Jupyter labs - Not needed any more.

Simple Web Apps (So easy to build a Blog App with interactive blog posts, Survey App, Discus App :slight_smile: etc, No need for HTML, Javascript, Front end frameworks and that really heavy tool chain). You’ve just solved one of the pains of the beeware project. There will be a shift back to server side and front end developers will be developing streamlit components not the actual frontend. This is as revolutionary as the lego brick and the iphone. Democratization of code. There will be so many ways to use this that are yet to be discovered.

Getting started with Python (Someone will create that simple all cloud development experience based on streamlit with a button to push to test and a button to push to production and some functionality for installing python packages. If I was a cloud provider I would hurry up developing that so that things gets deployed to my cloud). Someone will create that wrapper for IOs and Android so that my kids can develop in Python on their tablets.

There are so many pains you have just solved by turning things up side down by sticking to the KISS principle.

You should contact Michael Kennedy from the Talk Python to Me podcast. Many of the python pains his guests have been talking about or trying to solve you have just removed. He will understand how revolutionary this is.

Seriously, thanks again for your kind words. If we do our work well, and with a little bit of luck, maybe we’ll get where you’re envisioning :smiley:

You should contact Michael Kennedy from the Talk Python to Me podcast.

That’s a great idea, thanks for the tip! We’ll reach out.