Streamlit sharing not working

Hi, I have deployed my app via Streamlit sharing with the options:

  1. ā€œOnly specific people can view this appā€
  2. And, 3 email address under ā€œInvite viewers by emailā€ in the ā€œSharingā€ section.

My App:
My Github repo: GitHub - yashmehtakristal/KristalGPT-noauthentication: Kristal GPT Version (No Authentication)

The issue here is that whenever a user goes to my app and then signs in via Google with their email address, they cannot access the app directly.

Iā€™m getting this error when Iā€™m looking at developer tools:

And, this error when Iā€™m looking at network tab:

Attaching a video of the entire process, if it helps (Please look at timestamp 2:54 onwards):

Hereā€™s what I have tried:
Using different browsers

  1. Using incognito mode
  2. Clearing cache and cookies
  3. Ensuring the email Iā€™m using to logging into the app isnā€™t already logged in concurrently (should not affect, but just tried)
  4. Disabling any VPNs and ensuring I have internet connectivity at all times
  5. Trying on my other devices

I have also looked at other streamlit forums and stackoverflow but no one had this issue. I have also looked at streamlit configuration page and didnā€™t find any setting that might counter this unusual behavior.

Yesterday, I tried and after 30 seconds to 2 minutes of this refreshing & redirecting error, it loaded my app. So I thought maybe just need to wait out (for an arbitary amount of time). But today, I didnā€™t even get access to the app after 2 minutes mark, which is really annoying.

Note, this app works perfectly when deployed publicly and loads in 5-10 seconds. Iā€™m guessing this is purely a streamlit issue.

I am really depressed. Would really appreciate any help from some kind soul please.

Thank you so much for reading this post.

Hi @Yash_Mehta,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Are you getting the following error?

If so, please contact our dedicated support team through the link on the error page.

Iā€™ve also looped in @Ayo , as he may be able to provide more feedback on this specific issue.

Best wishes,

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Hey, thank you so much for your reply. No, Iā€™m not getting a huh page, just a spinner that keeps reloading.

Iā€™ve sent an email to streamlit support email. @Ayo thanks for helping in advance

Hi Yash! Iā€™ll be looking into this issue today. It might be related to a new system that I am building that should improve page loading time. Could you provide a HAR recording via DM? Generating a HAR file for troubleshooting ā€“ Zendesk help

Thank you very much for raising this!

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@Yash_Mehta I see that you could see the application on the 7th of November. It seems that the cache holding your permissions was out of date. Weā€™re working on fixing this.

Can you confirm whether you are able to view the app?

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Apologies for the late response. The thing is it keeps refreshing for an arbitary amount of time (sometimes 1 minute, sometimes 5 minutes) before letting me in the application.

Here, Streamlit deployment showing error Ā· Issue #7684 Ā· streamlit/streamlit Ā· GitHub, Maya is saying there is some stale cache on my side, but I think this is a streamlit deployment error.

I say this because I tried on 3 different incognito browsers. Please help assist, thanks!