User is loggged out of private streamlit app after refreshing page

This is happening for a person I invited by email today. Tried this in 2 browsers, 2 accounts (SSO/non SSO for same email), mobile and desktop.

Also it looks like the error message I got when going to my Streamlit app not logged in is differten during today. I alraedy got these message:

  • Code: 2ST
  • Code: 401
  • You need to login, please login


Any idea if something not working at the moment within Streamlit?

Hi Roelf! The 2ST error message caused by a bug we introduced earlier today. Does it still reproduce? I pushed a fix 1h ago.

I reproduced the second issue. If you are logged out and you click on an invite to an app, you will see the 401 error message.

A fix should go out within 12 hours, but until then, it should work if the user is signed in.

A fix has been deployed in production. Please let me know if you see any other issues.

Yes, seems to work so far. Thanks a lot! :pray:

Hi — I (and other users I’ve shared with) are also having a similar problem this morning. Keep getting a You do not have access to this app or it does not exist error even after signing in.

Is there something we can do to try and resolve on our end?


Can you DM me with a screen recording showing the issue and maybe a HAR file?

Hey Alexandru — thanks for your quick reply! Naturally, as I went to do a quick screen recording the issue appears to have resolved itself. Seems to be the case for other folks with access as well.

Not sure if there’s any info you’d like me to provide to help diagnose what was going on previously, but happy to do so if helpful.

Thanks for your help!


Maybe something similiar is happening here,
I tried to access a private app (I’m the developer) and it’s not showing anymore, also for a a moment I was able to see other workspaces, not related with anyone in my company

@David_Brodsky I pushed out an around Friday 09:00 GMT to resolve the issue. This was a long-standing problem that was recently exacerbated by some other changes in the codebase. There is another improvement that I would like to make in this area to cover and edge case, but for most users, it should work as expected i.e. if you are invited to a private application, you will see the app if you are logged in with the email that was invited or you will be prompted to sign in.

@Pedro1 We had a small issue that led to more public workspaces than usual appearing in the workspace selector. The issue should be resolved. Only public apps that are also accessible via Google or the explore page would have appeared on those workspaces.

Got it. Thanks for the extra insight and helping resolve the issue Alexandru! Very much appreciated.

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