You are not signed in with a primary identity account

when I enter sign in button from Automaticaly appears google account. When I enter my account information I have warning ( This isn’t supposed to happen.
Please contact support) when I push setting link . I have a
another warning. “You are not signed in with a primary identity account.” I try to sign out. But I can not. (request failed status code 401) How can I solve this problem. I think that problem is I should enter with e-mal or github account. But I cannot reach them. Because Always google account window enter. How I can reach e-mail or github link

I have the exactly same issue, it looks like this is an issue that has been going on for more than 7 days, streamlit should have put up a notice on the streamlit cloud page, this is unprofessional practice.

I have solved the problem. You should open from another computer or phone. You can reach e-mail or github link

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