Version 0.86.0

Release date: Aug 5, 2021


  • :mortar_board: Our layout primitives are graduating from beta! You can now use st.columns, st.container and st.expander without the beta_ prefix.

Notable Changes

  • :iphone: When using st.columns, columns will stack vertically when viewport size <640px so that column layout on smaller viewports is consistent and cleaner. (#3594)

Other Changes

  • :beetle: Bug fixes: Fixed st.date_input crashes if its empty (#3194), Opening files with utf-8(#3022), st.select_slider resets its state upon interaction (#3600)

Thank you, if we update streamlit to 0.86, do we have to remove the beta_ prefix from the original code?
If we don’t remove, whether the original program will crash or not?

it will still run, you will see a warning if you haven´t changed, yet:

thank you, it seems we have to remove the beta_ prefix from the code.