Version 1.25.0


  • :bread: Introducing st.toast — a command to briefly show toast messages to users in the bottom-right corner of apps. See our documentation on how to use this feature.

Notable Changes

Other Changes

  • :chains: Minimum required versions increased for multiple Python dependencies, including numpy>=1.19.3 and pandas>=1.3.0 (#6802).
  • :shield: protobufjs was bumped from 7.2.1 to 7.2.4 (#6959).
  • :sparkles: Visual design tweaks to Streamlit’s input widgets (#6944).
  • :butterfly: Bug fix: st.slider now accepts general number types like numpy.int64 instead of just int and float (#6816, #6815). Thanks, @milliams!
  • :ant: Bug fix: Data labels for st.slider and st.select_slider no longer overflow when inside st.expander (#6828, #6297).
  • :bug: Bug fix: Elements no longer re-render from scratch with each rerun (#6923, #6920).
  • :lady_beetle: Bug fix: st.data_editor hashes styler objects correctly for stability across reruns (#6815, #6898).
  • :honeybee: Bug fix: Fixed the padding for embedded apps using st.chat_input to prevent messages being cutoff (#6979).

Love this upgrade :heart:
I’ve already implement toast, multiselect placeholders and date_input format in my apps!

Would love to see a similar feature (placeholders) for selectbox too.
I mean, I’m looking for a combo with empty choice and placeholder.

Currently I have this setup:

st.selectbox("Animals", ["", "dog", "cat"])

# looking for something like this
st.selectbox("Animals", ["dog", "cat"], empty=True, placeholder="Choose an animal")

Keep up the awesome work with this magical framework! :magic_wand:


Love to see it @Mortafix :heart_eyes:

Would love to see a similar feature (placeholders) for selectbox too.

You’re more than welcome to submit a feature request on Streamlit’s GitHub repo if there isn’t already one. :balloon:

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It’s definitely on the team’s radar! It’s on the roadmap for next quarter.

:auto_rickshaw: Setting None as initial widget value
Allows you to initialize st.selectbox, st.date_input, and other widgets without a value.

In the st.selectbox documentation there’s a little hint to this:

A future update will allow selectboxes to be empty.


Many thanks!
I read the roadmap before, but I think I missed this details

Can’t wait to see more :clap:

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When will this be pushed to Conda Forge? 1.24 was pushed out pretty quickly.

It looks like there were some technical difficulties but that it is published on conda-forge now.

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