Version 1.36.0


Notable Changes

  • :bar_chart: st.bar_chart can render charts horizontally.
  • :information_source: st.expander supports adding an icon next to its label.
  • :building_construction: st.columns lets you set vertical alignment.
  • :calling: Custom components support callback functions (#8633, #3977).
  • :inbox_tray: Fragments no longer support rendering widgets outside of their main body (#8756).
  • :label: You can now customize axis labels for st.area_chart, st.bar_chart, st.line_chart, and st.scatter_chart.
  • :hourglass: The caching parameter experimental_allow_widgets is deprecated (#8817).
  • :x: Streamlit no longer supports legacy caching. st.cache is now an alias for st.cache_data and st.cache_resource (#8737).
  • :arrow_up: Streamlit supports protobuf version 5 (#8627).

Other Changes

  • :sparkles: Streamlit Hello uses st.navigation and st.Page, the new, preferred method for declaring multipage apps (#8806).
  • :broom: Streamlit no longer appends “· Streamlit” to the page title of apps, unless running on Community Cloud (#8900).
  • :butterfly: Streamlit magic and st.write use st.json to display st.secrets (#8659, #2905).
  • :mag: Streamlit doesn’t automatically check for a newer version on PyPi (#8841, #8453).
  • :snail: Bug fix: Custom component functions require importing streamlit.components.v1 (#8666, #8644).
  • :spider_web: Bug fix: Reverted change to handle Altairs resolve_scale method since it caused a regression (#8845, #8642).
  • :cricket: Bug fix: Images in Markdown do not overflow the Markdown container (#8794).
  • :scorpion: Bug fix: Clarified the error message for st.selectbox when index is larger than the size of options (#8775, #8771).
  • :mosquito: Bug fix: Streamlit correctly handles non-widget elements with IDs (#8770, #8768).
  • :microbe: Bug fix: Docstrings correctly identify when use_container_width=True is the default (#8809).
  • :fly: Bug fix: Streamlit has a consistent minimum element height for better vertical alignment (#8797, #8835, #8027, #8706).
  • :cockroach: Bug fix: Added check to ensure SessionInfo is initialized before performing actions (#8779, #8321, #7549).
  • :spider: Bug fix: Dataframes use raw numbers without formatting by default (#8708, #8695).
  • :lady_beetle: Bug fix: Updated the error message for disallowed writes to Session State (#8720, #8715).
  • :honeybee: Bug fix: Streamlit doesn’t initialize LocalSourcesWatcher if file watching is disabled (#8741, #8738).
  • :ant: Bug fix: st.experimental_dialog no longer has an invalid default value for title (#8729).
  • :beetle: Bug fix: Removed deprecated kwargs in ast.Call to prevent type error (#8711). Thanks, JelleZijlstra!
  • :bug: Bug fix: st.experimental_dialog is explicitly exported to avoid a type-checking error (#8728, #8712).

On the Streamlit roadmap page, I read:

Selections on dataframes :white_check_mark: Launched
Catch click events on tables and do something with them in your app!

However, on the Streamlit documentation page, I don’t see a parameter like “on_click” for a callback function.
Is it my mistake?

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I believe it is the on_select parameter that can take the callable value. Also there is selection_mode to define what to do when a selection is triggered.


I use ag-Grid to catch mouse events on a DataFrame. Look at this example: Cookbook. I was thinking of a similar function, but without the need for JavaScript.


I don’t know if anyone has experienced this issue. Since I upgraded to 1.36, some of my dataframes do not show properly. I keep getting the below error in my app. Is there any reason for this or a way to fix this?

Edit: This majorly happens to dataframes with more than 10 rows.
Edit 2: Current observation is that that this happens when you wrap the dataframe in an st.column or in an st.container

Thank you

Hi @nkwachiabel. Please can you file a bug report on GitHub to help our engineers track issues?

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