Version 1.37.0


  • :cookie: Introducing st.context to read headers and cookies!
  • :star: Introducing to collect ratings and sentiment from your users!
  • :athletic_shoe: Announcing the general availability of st.fragment, a decorator that lets you rerun functions independently of the whole page.
  • :popcorn: Announcing the general availability of st.dialog, a decorator that lets you create modal dialogs.

Notable Changes

Other Changes

  • :o: Material Symbols are rounded instead of outlined (#8998).
  • :two: Streamlit supports Numpy version 2.0 (#8940).
  • :smile: We’ve updated emoji validation for new emojis (#8923).
  • :ghost: We’ve removed several experimental commands with new, generally available versions (#8943).
  • :skull_and_crossbones: We’ve removed deprecated configuration options per their announced expiration date (#9005, #9013, #9018).
  • :lizard: Bug fix: Nested fragments rerun correctly when a child fragment precedes a widget in the parent fragment (#9114).
  • :snail: Bug fix: Streamlit validates file paths before performing additional checks when using static file serving for improved security (#8990).
  • :spider_web: Bug fix: displays at the correct width inside st.expander (#9070, #8004).
  • :cricket: Bug fix: Streamlit displays the correct (Windows) path for secrets.toml in an error message (#9061, #6147).
  • :scorpion: Bug fix: st.switch_page correctly clears non-embed query parameters when the user switches pages (#9059, #9050).
  • :mosquito: Bug fix: Custom themes display correctly for multipage elements like st.page_link (#8994, #8978).
  • :microbe: Bug fix: st.snow and st.balloons don’t show in prints (#9053, #7790).
  • :fly: Bug fix: We’ve improved the default formatting for st.number_input (#9035, #7163).
  • :cockroach: Bug fix: An st.navigation example was corrected (#9027, #9026). Thanks, mahotd!
  • :spider: Bug fix: Dialogs no longer have a brief delay when closing (#9023, #8747).
  • :crab: Bug fix: Streamlit correctly raises a KeyError when encountered in a fragment instead of a misleading, fragment-related error (#9011, #8494).
  • :lady_beetle: Bug fix: Streamlit doesn’t clear MediaFileManager on fragment reruns to prevent invalid references (#9010, #8932).
  • :honeybee: Bug fix: Custom themes are correctly removed when deleted (#8989, #8962).
  • :ant: Bug fix: Streamlit supports non-unix style paths for correct multipage routing in Windows (#8988, #8958).
  • :beetle: Bug fix: Using st.rerun in a fragment will not cause the app’s main body content to render in the fragment in rare events (#8798).
  • :bug: Bug fix: When an exception is raised within a fragment, Streamlit shows the error message within the fragment (#8868).

Thank you for all the enhancements. For the next update, would it be possible to make a slight adjustment to the st.dialog component? Currently, if it is opened and then closed, it cannot be reopened without executing st.rerun. However, since we cannot automatically detect when the dialog is closed, it is challenging to know when st.rerun needs to be executed.


Please provide “on_click” option on the dataframe download button. And also I have just updated my streamlit app from 1.35 to 1.37 but I am getting an error while clicking a button which fetches data from an api and displays it on a toast.

Bad message format
Bad ‘setIn’ index 1 (should be between [0, 0])

Earlier in version 1.35 it was all working fine. Dont know what happened now!!

St rerun scope on fragment is amazing!

1 Like

Thanks for this update and this awesome biblio we need to make streamlit support multipage and routing

@Alejandro2 @thisisbhupendrasingh Can you file these feature requests as GitHub issues here? Or please have a look if an issue already exists.