Weather Visualizer App Is Complete, deployed + Medium Article

Hi, all

I finally completed the web-app for visualizing the weather temperatures for custom-user input. I used Weather API for the data.

Because of the blazing fast development cycle of Streamlit, I completed it less than 2 days with more than 400 lines of code. Thanks for this awesome tool!

Here is the link to my app: Streamlit


My favorite part of the app is obviously seeing how cold it is where I live… the selectbox to instructions/app/source code :slight_smile:

Anyway if you made this in 2 days, you’re already on your way to becoming a Streamlit master :stuck_out_tongue: so…keep it up!

also is it missing the link to the Medium article ?


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Thanks for the good words.

The link to the article is given on the instructions page.

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