Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
07/19/21 - 07/25/21
Issue - V62
Current Release: 0.85.1
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
- Check out the Streamlit sharing badge for your GitHub repos:
Check out our newly re-designed blog site
In case you missed it - see @kmcgrady on the dataroots’ latest Tour de Tools, chat and answer questions about Streamlit
With the latest release, Streamlit now uses Apache Arrow for data serialization
This improves performance AND let us delete over 1k lines of code
Read more here
Featured Content
Integrating Coiled + Streamlit
Iggy Gets (stream)Lit
Introduction to Streamlit
How to Use Forms in Streamlit EASY (Streamlit Tutorials 01.03) @wjbmattingly
Streamlit Application
Streamlit - First Program
Develop Covid Dashboard from scratch and host it on Heroku [Project] @Heflin_Stephen_Raj_S
Streamlit Mini Project || Creating BMI Calculator App with Streamlit
Deploying streamlit apps for free!
Автоматический анализ текста с использованием Streamlit
How to create beautiful apps in just minutes
Analysing GitHub Events with Apache Pinot and Streamlit
Effective Data Storytelling for Larger-than-Memory Datasets
PDF Manipulation — How to remove unwanted pages using PDFminer
Develop an Interactive UI for a Microservice using Streamlit
How to use Streamlit, Pandas and Plotly to create an interactive dashboard with earthquake data from Costa Rica OVSICORI’s website.
Spotify Graph Dashboard (Part II): Creating an Interactive Python Dashboard with Streamlit using TigerGraph Spotify Data
How To Remove “Made with Streamlit”, Hamburger Icon Menu & Streamlit Header
Task-1 Data Science and Business Analytics Internship | The Spark Foundation GRIP_JUPY_21
How to display Bar chart using streamlit
Deployment of Energy Prediction Model using Streamlit
Streamlit. Поиск кратчайшего пути
DockerでJupyterLab環境を作る - Streamlit編
Pythonで自動売買Webアプリ自作への道@ StreamlitでCurveFittingアプリ作成編
Science and Tech
Coronavirus Severity Self Assesement
Kian’s Bioinformatics Tool
(Wo-)manned Space Stations Around Us
Early Stage heart attack risk predictor app
McCabe Thiele Web Application
Streamlit| Compressive Strength of Concrete Prediction| App Demo|Heroku
NLP and Language
Data Visualization
Github Repository Activity Dashboard @anddt
A dashboard based on Streamlit and Echarts @BeyondMyself
Hur går det för…
Beepocalypse: Visualizing Query Results
Apple Music
CV and Images
A video chat app with realtime snapchat-like filters! @whitphx
Lego App Generator @pavankunchala
Virtual Makeup @pavankunchala
Classifier Image with VGG16 fine-turning - Web app with Streamlit
License Plate Recognition and Prediction
Finance and Business
Análise de risco de crédito
Calculando Preco de Carros
Gerador de Planilhas de Campo para Inventários Florestais
Predição de Risco de Crédito
University of Arizona Salary Data
– 7x1 – Empréstimos Consignados
Stock Price App
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Deep Learning
StackOverFlow Survey Project
Geography and Society
Global Economic Prospects and Risk Factors
Get Latitude and Longitude of Places List
Greece Covid19 Live Data
Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF Creator
Mapa Filômetro SP
Streamlit Web application with COVID-19 data
Cool happenings and other things
- Making multi-page Streamlit applications easy with Hydralit @Probability
- Light Up Your Data with Streamlit | SciPy 2021