Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
08/10/20 - 08/16/20
Issue - V15
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
Streamlit Updates
- The Streamlit for Teams - Community Edition beta is ramping up
. If you haven’t signed up yet - join here. If you have - send a dm to @tc1 or @randyzwitch to get an update!
- Data Visualization Using Streamlit
- Digging deep into YOLO V3 - A hands-on guide Part 1
- Prototyping Machine Learning Models with Streamlit
- Modelos em Produção com Streamlit
- An AI Art Generator App
- Face calculator
- Traffic (Busines A vs B) @Charly_Wargnier
- Cutlet Romaji Conversion
- Evolución del Covid-19 en Chile
- DeepL Indent Shaper
- Arbitrary Query using DAX or SQL DMV from a PowerBI workspace
- Stock Price Analyzer
- G.S. Medi-Safe App
- Iris Data Set Classification Using Decision Tree
- COVID-19 Self Check
- Visual Recommendation
- Hearthstone Decks Analysis
- Streamlit MNIST demo (drawable)
- Lead Recommender
- Summary and Entity Checker
- Diabetes Prediction
- Twitter Analytics
- Streamlined Exploratory Data Analysis and Machine Learning
- Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about US Airlines
- Credit Card Default/Bias
- Image Processing using OpenCV
- And the Winner Is
- Data Visualization using Streamlit
- Financial analysis
- Credit Card Fraud Detection
- Face Recognition using OpenCV
- Elon Web App
- House Price Predictor
- Analysis of Defects in Gun Manufacturing
- Covid-19 US Trends
- Recommendation System
- How to Run Streamlit Apps From Colab @Jesse_JCharis
- Tumor Scanning App with Streamlit & Machine Learning
- Build your own COVID-19 Tracker App using Python and Streamlit - Corona Virus App Tracker Project
- Build your own AutoML (Automated Machine Learning) application using Python | Machine Learning
- AI OCR @Sharan19
- 10 Activation Functions in 10 Minutes | Basics of Neural Network | Deep Learning | Streamlit
- Data Visualization using Streamlit | Food Demand Forecasting Data
Cool happenings and other things
- Face timeline generator component @leopiney
- Leaflet.js component @andfanilo
- #13 Streamlit使ってみた [Podcast]
- Project Insight: Streamlit, Fastapi, HuggingFace and all the goodness @Abhishek_Mishra
- Streamlit Cheat Sheet @daniellewisDL
- Streamlitとnlplotを使って自然言語を分析してみた