Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
08/17/20 - 08/23/20
Issue - V16
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
Streamlit Updates
- The Streamlit for Teams deployment beta is ramping up
. If you haven’t signed up yet - join here . If you have - send a dm to @tc1 or @randyzwitch to get an update.
- @randyzwitch recently put together a Streamlit Deployment Guide that includes different community driven tutorials. Feel free to add any tutorials you found helpful that we may have missed!
- Customizable Real-time Dashboard to Monitor Your Google Form Responses
- Generative Adversarial Network: Build a web application that colorizes B&W photos with Streamlit
- Streamlit — use data apps to better test your model
- StreamlitアプリケーションをGCP(GAE)にデプロイする方法
- Guide To Building And Deploying ML Web Applications Using Pycaret, Streamlit and Heroku
- R.U.Stoked as a Machine Learning (NLP) Project
- Neural Search with BERT and Solr
- Stock Price Chart
- Transcoder
- Tweet Analyzer
- Auto Goal
- Better Data Portal
- Interactive approach to distributing information / data for sports
- Central Bank of Iraq Dollar Auction Data
- Hack for Africa - AI OCR @Sharan19
- Análise sobre os Acidentes nas Rodovias Federais do Brasil no Ano de 2019.
- Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about US Airlines
- Sentiment Analyzer
- Análisis y diagnóstico de COVID-19 en México
- 2010-2020 Monthly Price Historical Matrix
- Marks Obtained on the Basis of Hours Studied
- Data visualization of covid- 19 cases in India
- Data Analysis for Natural Language Processing
- Bangalore House Rate Prediction
- Computer Vision
- Transcoder
- Iris Flower Classification WebApp
- Breast Cancer Detection
- NLP Based Visual Recommendation
- Portfolio Mean Variance Optimization
- “Chopped” Basket Generator
- Colorado Springs State of the Market
- Insira um arquivo CSV para começar
- ML Automator
- A Web UI For Ship Resistance Calculation
- Covid-19 in India
- Dataset Explorer
- Long & Short - Verificação de Pares Cointegrados
- Datos diarios del coronavirus (COVID-19) en la Comunidad de Madrid
- Fitbod Helper
- Quick Python Demo: Streamlit for Rapid GUI Programming
- Deepfake streamlit web application @Sharan19
- Create ML/AI Web App with Python and Streamlit - PencilSketcher App
- Image Classification with Streamlit |Deep Learning WebApp|
- Building a Simple Machine Learning Web App (Boston Housing) in Python (Streamlit Tutorial Part 6)
- Streamlit Pressure Clamp Electrophysiology Analysis Demo
- Free Webinar on Turn your Data Science script into a Website using Streamlit | Diazonic Labs