Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
01/04/21 - 01/10/21
Issue - V34
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
- If you haven’t signed up for Streamlit sharing yet - join here. If you have - send a dm to @tc1 or @randyzwitch to get access!
- Check out the Streamlit sharing badge for your GitHub repos:
- Streamlit 0.74.1 was released
Featured Content
Tweet your Github stats for 2020 @jrieke
Read about how Arup and New Story are using Streamlit to help combat pandemic related evictions on our latest blog post
Build 12 Data Science Apps with Python and Streamlit - Full Course
Воркшоп: Создание веб-приложения для DS-материалов с Streamlit — Сергей Тюрин, Data Science UA
Criando um aplicativo para monitorar ações do zero com Python e streamlit
Making network graphs interactive with Python and Pyvis. @napoles3d
Generate Your ML Code In Few Clicks Using Train Generator
StreamLit Advanced Functions – ML Series
Deploy no Heroku das aplicações desenvolvidas com o Streamlit.
Optimize Streamlit Deployment
Interactive Machine Learning and Data Visualization with Streamlit
Amazon EC2でStreamlitを使った簡単な「新規感染者数可視化アプリ」を動かしてみる
Science and Tech
heart attack by statistical learning
Covid Roulette
False Positives
Covid-19 Dashboard
Penguin Prediction App
Diabetes checkup
NLP & Language
Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about US Airlines
Did Covid affect our New Year resolutions?
Sentiment classification|DistillBERT|PyTorch|Streamlit|Huggingface
Named entity recognition|BERT|Transformers|PyTorch|Streamlit|Huggingface
Data Visualization
CV & Images
Finance & Business
Geography & Society
Model Building & Training
Cool happenings and other things
An Awesome Gift From Streamlit & More 2021!! @Jesse_JCharis
Steven Kolawole - Streamlit: the fastest way to build data apps| PyData Global 2020
“Make your Data Application using The Easiest Framework, Streamlit” by Faul – PyCon Indonesia 2020