Here’s a new component showcase, featuring Ace editor, and more specifically its react wrapper.
The instruction to install and test it can be found in my repository:
The initial version of this component featured a more generic implementation which forwarded python arguments to the react-ace component, and returned values on chosen events. It wasn’t a very clean way to handle things, and more a way to experiment with the new component API. I decided to keep this version as recommended by @andfanilo
Source code: Ace.tsx
import React, { useEffect } from "react"
import AceEditor from "react-ace"
import {
} from "./streamlit"
import "ace-builds/webpack-resolver"
interface AceProps extends ComponentProps {
args: {
events: string[],
props: any,
function Ace({ args, width }: AceProps) {
args.props.width = "100%"
args.events.forEach(event => {
args.props[event] = (...data: any) => {
name: event,
data: data
useEffect(() => {
return <AceEditor {...args.props} />
export default withStreamlitConnection(Ace)
Source code: __init__.py
import os
import streamlit as st
from collections import namedtuple
_RELEASE = False
if not _RELEASE:
_ace = st.declare_component("ace", url="http://localhost:3002")
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
build_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "frontend/build")
_ace = st.declare_component("ace", path=build_dir)
_AceEvent = namedtuple("_AceEvent", ["name", "data"])
def ace(events=[], key=None, **props):
"""Create a new instance of Ace editor."""
event = _ace(props=props, events=events, key=key) or {}
return _AceEvent(event.get("name", None), event.get("data", None))
if not _RELEASE:
st.sidebar.title("Ace editor")
event = ace(key="ace-editor",
mode=st.sidebar.selectbox("Language mode.", options=[
"abap", "abc", "actionscript", "ada", "alda", "apache_conf", "apex", "applescript", "aql",
"asciidoc", "asl", "assembly_x86", "autohotkey", "batchfile", "c9search", "c_cpp", "cirru",
"clojure", "cobol", "coffee", "coldfusion", "crystal", "csharp", "csound_document", "csound_orchestra",
"csound_score", "csp", "css", "curly", "d", "dart", "diff", "django", "dockerfile", "dot", "drools",
"edifact", "eiffel", "ejs", "elixir", "elm", "erlang", "forth", "fortran", "fsharp", "fsl", "ftl",
"gcode", "gherkin", "gitignore", "glsl", "gobstones", "golang", "graphqlschema", "groovy", "haml",
"handlebars", "haskell", "haskell_cabal", "haxe", "hjson", "html", "html_elixir", "html_ruby", "ini",
"io", "jack", "jade", "java", "javascript", "json", "json5", "jsoniq", "jsp", "jssm", "jsx", "julia",
"kotlin", "latex", "less", "liquid", "lisp", "livescript", "logiql", "logtalk", "lsl", "lua", "luapage",
"lucene", "makefile", "markdown", "mask", "matlab", "maze", "mediawiki", "mel", "mixal", "mushcode",
"mysql", "nginx", "nim", "nix", "nsis", "nunjucks", "objectivec", "ocaml", "pascal", "perl", "perl6",
"pgsql", "php", "php_laravel_blade", "pig", "plain_text", "powershell", "praat", "prisma", "prolog",
"properties", "protobuf", "puppet", "python", "qml", "r", "razor", "rdoc", "red", "redshift", "rhtml",
"rst", "ruby", "rust", "sass", "scad", "scala", "scheme", "scss", "sh", "sjs", "slim", "smarty",
"snippets", "soy_template", "space", "sparql", "sql", "sqlserver", "stylus", "svg", "swift", "tcl",
"terraform", "tex", "text", "textile", "toml", "tsx", "turtle", "twig", "typescript", "vala", "vbscript",
"velocity", "verilog", "vhdl", "visualforce", "wollok", "xml", "xquery", "yaml"
theme=st.sidebar.selectbox("Theme.", options=[
"ambiance", "chaos", "chrome", "clouds", "clouds_midnight", "cobalt", "crimson_editor", "dawn",
"dracula", "dreamweaver", "eclipse", "github", "gob", "gruvbox", "idle_fingers", "iplastic",
"katzenmilch", "kr_theme", "kuroir", "merbivore", "merbivore_soft", "mono_industrial", "monokai",
"nord_dark", "pastel_on_dark", "solarized_dark", "solarized_light", "sqlserver", "terminal",
"textmate", "tomorrow", "tomorrow_night", "tomorrow_night_blue", "tomorrow_night_bright",
"tomorrow_night_eighties", "twilight", "vibrant_ink", "xcode"
keyboardHandler=st.sidebar.selectbox("Keybinding mode.", options=[
"emacs", "sublime", "vim", "vscode"
events=st.sidebar.multiselect("Events to listen.", options=[
"onChange", "onCopy", "onPaste", "onSelectionChange", "onBlur", "onInput", "onScroll", "onValidate"
showGutter=st.sidebar.checkbox("Show gutter.", value=True),
showPrintMargin=st.sidebar.checkbox("Show print margin.", value=True),
highlightActiveLine=st.sidebar.checkbox("Highlight active line.", value=True),
wrapEnabled=st.sidebar.checkbox("Wrap enabled.", value=False),
readOnly=st.sidebar.checkbox("Read-only.", value=False),
"scrollPastEnd": True,
"displayIndentGuides": False,