
Hello all.

I am trying to run this set of files for my app: Filebin | q2c7ht9gmbnjaeq6

I am running the app according to the instructions here: (Code snippet: create Components without any frontend tooling (no React, Babel, Webpack, etc))

However, I am getting the message:

The app is attempting to load the component from ****, and hasn’t received its “streamlit:componentReady” message

Please can someone help me to resolve this?


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Any luck?
I’m having the same issue. Mine works fine locally, but I get this message when deploy the app to AWS EC2.

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I got the same error about 1 out of 10 times when calling a component called st_cropper. The st_cropper component has an option called realtime update, and if it was True, the component would be updated immediately whenever some parameter was changed, but if the value of this realtime update was always set to False, the error would not occur.

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