Uknown error

I am trying to access the using the email associated with Github but the page says Error: Server error [A1]: Unable to find user in sign-up list Code: 403. I was wondering if there is anything I could do.
화면 캡처 2022-08-10 144855

Hi @Map-Jo, welcome to the forum!

If this is your first time using Streamlit Cloud, you can go to which you’ll have 3 available choices to sign up via an existing Gmail account, GitHub account or entering your email address.

I have already Streamlit account. Also I have experiences deploy APP. Suddenly it doesn’t work…When I try to login, this screen appears.

Have you tried clearing your cookies on, signing out, and signing back in again? If that doesn’t work, could you share your GitHub username with us and/or your workspace name?

Hi @Map-Jo, please shoot me an email at and I’ll get this resolved for you



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