Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
11/23/20 - 11/29/20
Issue - V29
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
Streamlit Updates
- If you haven’t signed up for Streamlit sharing yet - join here. If you have - send a dm to @tc1 or @randyzwitch to get access!
- Check out the Streamlit sharing badge for your GitHub repos:
- Take a look at @randyzwitch’s awesome SeleniumBase tutorial
- Build knowledge graphs with the Streamlit Agraph component @chris_klose
Streamlit sharing
- Thanksgiving Fun @Marisa_Smith
- Match Reports
- Black Friday Sales App @Jesse_JCharis
- Transformers Benchmarking
- Optimal Asset Allocation @EEAjaegbu
- Turkey Graphs @napoles3d
- Streamlit - Sentiment analysis machine learning (Web App) -PYTHON
- Visualize Weather Patterns Using Climacell
- Stock Market Web Application: AMZN/TSLA/GOOG
- Nepse data visualizer
- StreamBackMachine @charly_wargnier
- Detecting presence of Poison Oak
- Sports Analytics - Teams 20/21
- Twitter Analysis
- DevOps Team presents
- Schools of France @Dorian_Massoulier
- Streamlit & Tesseract at Bookarang
- Gerador de senhas
- Análise de Dados dos álbuns do artista NexoAnexo
- Melbourne House Pricing Explorer
- Predicting CS:GO FTW
- Text Analysis
- Covid-19 Dashboard
- Daily India Covid-19 Numbers
- Stream Covid BR
- BirrasPipol House!
- Malaria Virus Prediction
- Ninsiiah
- flower classification
- Parkinson Disease Classification using Streamlit Demo
- Streamlit AI Text Generation Web App with GPT-2 Models
- Sales Prediction ML App - Demo & Deployment with Streamlit Sharing @Jesse_JCharis
- 【有料級】今話題のPythonライブラリStreamlitを用いて、顔検出アプリの作成から公開までの流れをわかりやすく解説
- Deploying BERT Question Answering System as web application using Streamlit
- Very Simple Linear Regression Part 2 - Web App with Streamlit
- Exploring the Titanic dataset with streamlit
Cool happenings and other things
- GraphRM Meetup Upcoming 12/3
- MCBÜ - Uygulamalarla Baştan Sona Makine Öğrenmesi Süreci Webinar