Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
2/27/23- 3/05/23
Issue - V141
Current Release: 1.20.0
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
= components
Version 1.20.0 was released.
Want to show off your skills in creating impactful and insightful data visualizations using Streamlit? Enter the Streamlit App-A-Thon!
Make a PivotTable report with Streamlit and AG Grid. Creator of the popular AgGrid component @PablocFonseca shows you how in 4 simple steps.
Are you new to Streamlit and the community forum? Check out this guide from moderator @MathCatsAnd explaining the 10 most common questions with helpful tips.
Featured Content
What’s new in Streamlit 1.18-19? (+ Random Thoughts) @andfanilo
How The Streamlit Team Uses Streamlit For Itself @Tyler
Streamlit + ChatGPT Speedrun App Deploy @gerardrbentley
Building a Medium Stats Tracker With Streamlit @andymcd
Improve OCR Results with Sparrow (running on Streamlit/Python and Ngrok)
Streamlit Python playlist
Streamlit in 5 minutes Tutorial
“Unlock Your Inner Web Developer: Build an Amazing Python & Streamlit Website!”
how to use streamlit with Jupyter
How to create your portfolio using Streamlit codes explained
Intro to Streamlit - Create your first data web-apps (only!) with Python
Minimalist Snowflake Table Compare (using data-diff)
Machine Learning Model Deployment using Streamlit
Creating a Resume Automation Website With ChatGPT in 10 Minutes
AI-Generated Mind Maps with the ChatGPT API in Python and Streamlit
Python - Programm zur Überprüfung der Collatz Hypothese mit streamlit
ARP’s Model Web App with Streamlit
ML Model Deployment in Urdu | ML Model Deployment in Python Using Streamlit | Hyper Parameter Tuning
Intro to Spacy, PowerBI, Streamlit
Transform Videos into Gifs with Python and Streamlit | Step-by-Step Tutorial
How to Build a Virtual Makeup App with Python and Streamlit | Complete Tutorial
All about my Intel oneAPI Hackathon journey
Building and deploying data apps with DuckDB and Streamlit
Built a machine-learning App for heart disease prediction using streamlit
Writing More Production-Ready Data Science Project (Part 2): Creating a Web App with Streamlit and Deploying to Google Cloud Run with Docker=
Streamlit and SQLite: The Ultimate Duo for Application Development
- How to use Python, Oura API, and Streamlit to run experiments on your health?
Building a Data Visualization App with Looker, Streamlit, and Plotly
Building a Contact Form with Email Integration using Python & Streamlit
How to use ChatGPT-3 endpoint within your Streamlit App
European Soccer League Results App With Streamlit(Part 1)
Build a Custom Chatbot Using ChatGPT API and Streamlit
How I built a “Ask Me Anything” chatbot web app with GPT-3, Python, and streamlit
How to Deploy existing Interactive Design Tool via Python Streamlit
Building a Full-Stack Machine Learning Web Application: Integrating FastAPI, Streamlit
Custom ChatGPT with Azure OpenAI
Streamlit with Google Cloud: Hello, world!
Get Started with ChatGPT API: A Step-by-Step Guide for Python Programmers
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
Whatsapp Group Chat Analyzer @koftezz
Generate Email
Translate natural language to SQL queries.
Bhagvad Gita GPT
Rumi GPT
Streamlit + ChatGPT APIStreamlit + ChatGPT API
Use ChatGPT to improve your CV, cover letter, and job applications
Github Question Answering
Introduction to ‘Intelligence studies network’
Data Visualization
CENIPA - Acidentes Aeronáuticos
Data Analysis on VGSALES
Sub Sahara Africa Offshore Rigs
Análise Vendas
Player Scatter Plot Program
CV and Images
Finance and Business
Attrition Prediction
Stock Analysis App
Stock Analysis and Forecasting - Predicting Market Trend - Streamlit || yfinance || LSTM ||
Geography and Society
Será que existem muitos Arbnb em lisboa?
Pontos de coleta seletiva na Cidade do Recife
A proto-dashboard demo by the Data Science Pool, HU, 2023.
Compressor Performance Evaluation
Extract Images from PDF
Exploratory Data Analysis Dashboard
Editor de dados
Arxiv multiple domain catchup
Building Contact Form with Email Integration using Python & Streamlit
home · Streamlit
Movie Recommendation engine deployed on streamlit
Project Titanic
Cool happenings and other things
- llama_index starter pack
- Build Health Data Science Web App Using Streamlit and Python Upcoming meetup March 21
- PyData Seattle Upcoming event April 26-28, 2023
- Streamlit meets WebAssembly - stlite Upcoming talk April 17-19, 2023