Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
09/07/20 - 09/13/20
Issue - V18
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
Streamlit Updates
- Here’s a link to the discussion @tim and @Adrien_Treuille recently had with Jeremie Harris on the Towards Data Science podcast.
- The Streamlit for Teams - Community Edition beta is ramping up
. If you haven’t signed up yet - join here . If you have - send a dm to @tc1 or @randyzwitch to get an update!
- Forecasting Renewable Energy Generation with Streamlit and sktime
- Deploy a Dockerized Streamlit App to GCP with Compute Engine
- Attribution Heatmaps using Streamlit and XaiPient Explanations API @pchalasani
- Using Streamlit + Nginx + Docker to build and put in production dashboards in AWS Lightsail @dasirra
- Run and share a deep learning web application on Google Colab
- Bagel Bot: Reimaging Donut
- Serving a Machine Learning Model with FastAPI and Streamlit
- Car Value Evaluation using Machine Learning
- Mastermind code-breaking game @sis
- Text Maturity
- Welcome to FPL TeamMaker
- Twitter and Text Analysis
- ピークの頃はイラン・イラク戦争
- Holla if ya hear me
- Covid-19
Tracker With Dashboard!
- Pencil Sketch
- Movie Recommender
- Tweet Analysis
- KitchenAide
- Marathon Training App
- RGB Color Classifier
- Property Chart
- Image-Captioning
- The #1 Spam Detector Online
- Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about US Airlines
- Flash Calculation
- Zera3-Tech:Integrated Decision Support Tool to Assist in Land-Crop Suitability Analysis
- Machine Learning Algorithms Using Streamlit
- Car price prediction using Machine Learning
- Quran Analysis
- Activity Coefficients
- Simple Iris Prediction App
- DockerENT
- Build a Data app using Streamlit & PyTorch Mozilla ML Series Part 2
- Create a Stocks Dashboard using Streamlit and Plotly
- 시스템 패스 고쳐서 streamlit 설치하기
Cool happenings and other things
- Query Builder in ECharts @andfanilo
- Jaimin Khanderia - Streamlit: Build data dashboards quickly PyCon Australia 2020
- Steven Kolawole - Streamlit: The Fastest Way to build Data AppsTalk PyCon Africa 2020