Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
2/14/22 - 2/20/22
Issue - V90
Current Release: 1.6.0
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
- = articles
- = videos
- = apps
Streamlit Updates
- Version 1.6.0 was released
Featured Content
- Publish Your Streamlit Apps in the Cloud
- 10 tips to become a Streamlit Cloud Master @andfanilo
- 2022 Oscars Predictions @dbogt
- Streamlit for ML #5.1 - Custom React Components in Streamlit Setup
- Streamlit python Tutorial - How to create a basic data app in 5 minutes
- PF3311 2022-02-15 Streamlit: marco de trabajo para desarrollo de aplicaciones web (1)
- Build and deploy an Machine Learning Uber fare Prediction Web app with Streamlit on render Cloud
- How to deploy a Women’s Diabetic Prediction Web app using Streamlit on render cloud
- Streamlit Presentation - Keninger/Hoelzer (CS 460)
- PF3311 2022-02-17 Streamlit: marco de trabajo para desarrollo de aplicaciones web (2)
- Create a Multi-Page App with the New Streamlit-Option-Menu Component
- Oscars Predictions App with Python and Streamlit — Part 1: Deploying the App @dbogt
- Analyzing Satellite Images for Disasters
- Object Detection App with Streamlit and Detectron2.
- Instance Segmentation Using Streamlit And Detectron2.
- Keypoint Detection with Streamlit and Detectron2.
- Building a Machine Learning Web Application Using Streamlit
- Demo Your Model With Streamlit
- Why I fell in love with Streamlit
- Build a nice CLI for your Streamlit apps with Click or Typer
- Streamlit: Overwrite previous value in a loop
Science and Tech
- Design and Elastic Spectrum Calculation (TBEC 2018)
- Projeto Predição Diabetes
- Engenharia das Reações Quimicas
NLP and Language
- Streamlit with AssemblyAI @ahmedbesbes
- Language Prediction
- Search Console Query Analyzer
- A Simple Transformer Chatbot
Data Visualization
- BTS on South Korean Music Chart 2020
- Linkedin Connection Insights
- Omicron Analitic
- COVID-19 Comparison Dashboard
- Urban Growth Visualization
CV and Images
- How old are you according to a Convolution Neural Network?
- Pneumonia Classification
- HP’s Face Detection Project
- HindiCharacterRecognition · Streamlit
Finance and Business
Geography and Society
- Consulta a classificação de risco sanitário do estabelecimento - Resolução SES/MG n. 7426/2021
- India Crop Production Analysis
- Quantum Lotter Game @Dennis_Hwang
- Movie Recommender System @Rapheal_Kalandadze
- Dataset Explorer
- Nomstronauts Rarity Check
- Titanic Survival Predictor
- Movie Recommender System